Tuesday 18 November 2008

Outline Of Events For Our Thriller

The main character of our thriller is Adalia Justice, she is the typical "femme fatale" The opening will begin with an extreme close up shot of Adalia's lips, we will also see her applying red lipstick, we believe this would be a good reference made to blood. The sound in this sequence will be only non-diagetic, the backing track has not yet been decided. The shot then fades into a black and white establishing shot of a bedroom, where we will see Adalias boyfriend, Rob, in bed with another woman named Faye. This scene is a flashback from Adalias memory in which she is seen watching the implied sexual encounter through a slightly open door, this, however, goes unnoticed by the cheating couple. The camera then zooms in and focuses on the couple who are ,at this point, kissing intimately. Following this the camera cuts to another xtreme close-up of Adalia applying jet black mascara thickly to her eyelashes which then fades into another flashback, again in black and white of the bedroom again, the door this time shut and Rob and Faye still in the bed, however this time they are covered in blood and appear dead. The camera then cuts to another extreme close-up of Adalia applyin red nail varnish. Following this Adalia accidentally spills the nail varnish, the camera zooms into the spilled pool of nail varnish on the desk then zooms out to a close-up of a sink. This scene then changes to another flashback of Adalia washing blood off a knife in the same sink. This creates the assumption that Adalia commited the murder of her cheating boyfriend and his other woman.
The camera then cuts to an over the shoulder shot of Adalis wrapping a wad of notes, stolen from dead Rob's wallet, into a newspaper, this is a reference made to the thriller "Psycho" where Marion Crane does the same with money she has stolen from a client in her workplace. The focus is then on Adalias handbag into which she puts the folded newspaper. This is an implication that Adalia is on the run, another reference made to "Psycho"s Marion Crane. This then cuts to an extreme close-up following Adalias hand as she zips up a high heeled boot and then as she begins to walk. The screen the fades to black as the non-diagetic sound stops and a door is heard slamming. The camera then focuses on the shut dorr and the sound of heels is heard becoming further and further away from the camera. The camera cuts then to a scene of Adalia pacing through a dingy, deserted alleyway. The camera changes to a long shot and "follows" Adalia through the alleyway. Then the non-diagetic sound re-enters as the diagetic sound fades out and is no longer heard. Adalia is then seen walking towards a car in the distance. The camera follows Adalia to the car and watches as she slams the drivers car door shut behind her after getting in as this occurs non-diagetic stops again. The camera then cuts to another over the shoulder shot of Adalia now moving towards the middle of the car to look into the rear view mirror in which the camera shows the face of the "dead" boyfriend Rob reflected from the backseat of the car. The camera then cuts to a black screen and the sound of Adalias scream.


vmb said...

Overall planning upper Level 2 reflecting basic understanding of requirements.
Story boards must be posted.

Avoid detailed plot, it is the visual aspects that re important, with a few lines on plot, narrative structure and character's back stories.

vmb said...

Too much descripton with minimal analysis of the significance of action and other aspects of mise-en-scene to include absence of story boards (requested about 6 weeks ago) place planning at very low level 2 indicating basic understanding.