Monday 15 December 2008

My Perfume Advert

This is my perfume advert. I used Alexa Chung as the model for my advert as it is my opinion that she is one of the most beautiful english females, which is fitting for the name of the perfume (English Rose) I also thought that as i was aiming the product at young females, they would be far more likely to relate to Alexa Chung as a role model as she is chic, stylish and cool and therefore would be far more likely to purchase the perfume.

I decided against using a preset font from the computer and instead printed out the image
and used a griffiti/ scribble font in biro with an un-neat style to suggest attitude, this would be another thing that would make the perfume more appealing to the younger generation. I was aiming to create attitude within the advert as this relates directly to the tagline "the floral with attitude."

I desaturated the image as i thought this would give the advert the more rock n roll feel, my inspiration for this was music videos by rock bands such as oasis as their video cigarettes and alcohol protrays the rock and roll lifestyle and is filmed in black and white. This would relate to an audience of the younger generation, as older teens and young people today are very much part of the "partying" and "rocknroll" scene. Which also suggests that i am also aiming this add at a particular group of young people, those being the young bohemian/ indie/ rockers of todays generation.

I chose not to include the perfume bottle within the advert as i didnt want the advert to appear cluttered. Also i felt there would be less need as when marketing the product i would have used the same font on the bottle of the perfume and in shops there would be advertisements such as this one next to the product itself to point people seeking the perfume in the right direction and with television ads i wouldvi included the bottle.

Overall for what i was trying to achieve i think that my advert is rather effective.

This is the original picture i used.


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