Monday 15 December 2008

The Shining

The Shining written by Stephen King and directed by Stanley Kubrick is a horror thriller.

"A family heads to an isolated hotel for the winter where an evil and spiritual presence influences the father into violence, while his psychic son sees horrific forebodings from the past and of the future." (

"Right from the beginning, as we contemplate the car going to the hotel from those stunning aerial shots, deeply inside us we know that something in the film, somehow, sometime is going to go wrong. As we obtain that severe warning, an almost inaudible voice gently whispers to us 'sit tight', a sense of unexpectedness invades us all, and it is that very same feeling that makes our hair stand on end throughout out the entire movie." (A review from the IMDB)

This film contains many of the generic thriller signifiers.
One of these is when the blood come flowing from behind the doors, blood is a thriller signifier.


Another is when the plot comes to a climax and Jack Torrence is chasing his wife Wendy Torrence with an axe and she locks herself into a small bathroom to escape, however, Jack is cutting down the door with the axe whilst Wendy is desperatly trying to get out of the window and cant. The whole idea of being trapped in a calostraphobic space with no escape is a generic thriller signifier.


vmb said...

Your comments are minimal, you must follow instructions in yellow booklet. At the moment this is not of A Level standard.

vmb said...

Too little engagement to indicate higher than Level 1 - that is at the moment not an A Level Pass.
The mock essay when scanned in will lift to Level 2...E'sh.
Nicole you have not done enough work.

vmb said...

You must scan your mock examination on aspects of the thriller genre onto your blog..asap please.