Monday 15 December 2008

Props For Our Thriller

Red Lipstick
This is a classic femme fatale signifier, it also gives a strong reference to a dominant, confident woman and also blood.
This prop will be used when we see Adalia applying her make up in the dressing table mirror, before her first flashback.

Blackest Black Mascara
This prop will be used before Adalias second flashback and if a bullet shaped mascara were to be used this would be a good reference.

Kitchen Knife
This prop is the suggested weapon of Ron and Fayes murder, a knife is also a generic thriller signifier which is why we decided to use it.

Wad of money wrapped in a newspaper
This is a strong reference to the noir thriller "Psycho" where Marion Crain steals the money from her boss's client and wraps it in a newspaper before running away. This prop will be used when Adalia has finished applying her make up and and previous to her running away.


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