Tuesday 16 December 2008

Narrative Sequence

1: Pan of Adalia sitting on bed in front of mirror. Cut to
2: Extreme close up, stationary, Adalia applying lipstick
3: Fade to black and white flashback (medium shot & pan of Rob & Faye)
4: High angle shot, Adalia walking up stairs
5: Long shot, Adalia sees Rob & Faye through door. Cut to
6: Extreme close up, stationary, Adalia applying mascara
7: Fade to flasback, medium shot and pan of Rob & Faye, focus on blood
8: Cut to high angle shot, Adalia walking down stairs
9: Medium close up, Adalia walks through door and past camera
10: Cut to close up of wine glass as Adalia picks up
11: Close up of sink as wine spilt down drain whilst taps running
12: Fade to black and white flashback, close up of knife as blood is washed off it.
13: Cut to close up of wad of money
14: Camera pans as money is rolled up in newspaper & placed inside handbag.
15: Close up of handbag
16: High angle shot Adalia walking downstairs
17: Medium close -up Adalia walking down last few stairs
18: Cut to extreme close-up, Adalia opening front door handle
19: Cut to outside, Adalia opens and slams front door
20: Camera follows Adalia down front path
21: Tilt shot Adalia walking down street
22: Cut to high angle shot, Adalia walking down ouside stairs
23: Cut to close up, Adalia's anxious face as she walks past camera
24: Low angle shot, focus on high-heeled shoes as Adalia walks past
25: Point of view shot, Adalia walks to car
26: Pan of car as Adalia steps in and slams door
27: Camera inside car, pan from Adalia's head to her opening mirror
28: Focus and zoom into mirror as Rob seen in background.

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